
Monday Sep 14, 2020
13 Sept 2020 | God, Government And Good Citizenship
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
PREACHER: Al Jackson | Pastor
Romans 13:1-7
1 | The Citizen’s Responsibilities (v. 1-2, 5-7)
- Submission
- Government established by God (v. 1-2)
- To avoid punishment (v. 5a)
- For conscience sake (v. 5b)
Acts 5:28-29
- Support
- Monetary support (v. 6-7a)
- Mortal support (v. 7b)
2 | The Government’s Responsibilities (v. 3-4)
- Punish the criminal
- Protect the citizens

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
06 Sept 2020 | A Counter-Cultural Lifestyle
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
PREACHER: Al Jackson | Pastor
Romans 12: 9-21
1 | Loving (v. 9a)
2 | Holy (v. 9b)
3 | Loyal (v. 10)
4 | Zealous (v. 11)
5 | Joyful (v. 12a)
6 | Patient (v. 12b)
7 | Faithful (v. 12c)
8 | Generous (v. 13a)
9 | Hospitable (v. 13b)
10 | Forgiving (v. 14, 17a)
11 | Sympathetic (v. 15)
12 | Humble (v. 16)
13 | Trustworthy (v. 17b)
14 | Peaceable (v. 18)
15 | Merciful (v. 19-20)
16 | Gracious (v. 21)

Monday Aug 31, 2020
30 Aug 2020 | God’s Design For Effective Ministry
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
PREACHER: Al Jackson | Pastor
Romans 12:3-8
1. A humble assessment of oneself. (v. 3)
2. A harmonious cooperation with fellow believers. (v. 4-5)
3. A faithful exercise of one's spiritual gifts. (v. 6-8)
- PROPHECY: To proclaim the will and counsel of God, primarily among Christians.
- SERVICE: To see and meet practical needs of others.
- TEACHING: To accurately interpret, clarify, and give instruction in the truth of God’s Word.
- ENCOURAGING: To give counsel in what course of action to follow which will result in spiritual growth.
- CONTRIBUTING: To earn and give money for the advancement of God’s work.
- LEADERSHIP: To coordinate the activities of others and lead them to achieve common goals.
- SHOWING MERCY: To identify with and bring comfort to those who are in distress.

Monday Aug 24, 2020
23 Aug 2020 | The Transforming Power Of A Living Sacrifice
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
PREACHER: Al Jackson | Pastor
Romans 12:1-2
1. The foundation of transforming power in God’s mercy in salvation. (v. 1a)
2. The means of transforming power is total surrender to God. (v. 1b)
3. The result of transforming power is a Holy, Christ-like lifestyle. (v. 1a)

Monday Aug 24, 2020
16 Aug 2020 | Pray For Workers For The Harvest
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
PREACHER: Al Jackson | Pastor
Matthew 9:35-38
1. The Suffering Of Humanity | “They were harassed and helpless” (v. 36) - Temporal Suffering - Eternal Suffering
2. The Size Of The Harvest | “The harvest is plentiful” (v. 37)
3. The Shortage Of Harvesters | “The workers are few” (v. 37)

Monday Aug 10, 2020
09 Aug 2020 | State Of The Church 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
PREACHER | Al Jackson (Pastor)
Ephesians 5:25-27
LAKEVIEW'S PURPOSE STATEMENT:We believe that God's purpose for Lakeview Baptist Church is to love the Lord God and to express that love by MAKING, NURTURING, and EQUIPPING DISCIPLES of JESUS CHRIST in Auburn and throughout the world.
1. In a healthy church, God’s people love God; therefore, they worship Him passionately.
2. In a healthy church, God’s people love God’s Word; therefore, they obey its precepts wholeheartedly.
3. In a healthy church, God’s people love one another; therefore, they live together harmoniously.
4. In a healthy church, God’s people love the lost; therefore, they proclaim the Gospel faithfully.
5. In a healthy church, God’s people love the nations; therefore, they go to all the earth fearlessly.

Monday Aug 03, 2020
02 Aug 2020 | The One True God
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
PREACHER: Al Jackson | Pastor
Acts 17:16-34
1. The one true God is the creator of everything. (v. 24a)
2. The one true God is sovereign over all He has made. (v. 24b)
3. The one true God is self-sufficient. (v. 25)
4. The one true God determines both when and where people live. (v. 26)
5. The one true God desires fellowship with all people. (v. 27)
6. The one true God is the sustainer of life. (v. 28)
7. The one true God commands everyone to repent. (v. 29-30)
8. The one true God will judge the world through His Son Jesus Christ. (v. 31)

Monday Jul 27, 2020
26 July 2020 | Caring Well For The Abused
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
PREACHER: Aaron Wine | Minister to Youth
1. What is God's heart on abuse?
2. God's heart should b the heart of the Church
3. How can we care well for the abused?

Monday Jul 20, 2020
19 July 2020 | Rejoicing In Adversity
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
PREACHER: Al Jackson | Pastor
Philippians 1:12-26
1. Rejoice: We have a Gospel to proclaim (v. 12-18a)
- Evangelize unbelievers
- Encourage believers to
2. Rejoice: We have a Savior to follow (v. 18b-26)
- Here on earth
- Hereafter in Heaven

Monday Jul 20, 2020
12 July 2020 | God Is My Rock
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
PREACHER: Cliff Knight | Minister to Families
Psalm 71:3
God is our Rock and Salvation, and Refuge and Mighty Fortress.
1. God is personal | “Be my…”
2. God is our Refuge | “Be my rock and refuge”
3. God is approachable | “I can… go”
4. God is available | “I can always go”
5. God is authoritative | “give the command”
6. God is Savior | “to save me”
7. God is our Fortress | “secure dwelling place”